Private practice for pain and trauma therapy
- Specialization: Free body, psyche and soul from pain
- Trainings: Managers, awareness, attention, stress relief, resilience
- In-house therapeutic developments:
MHR © (Muscle Hyper Restore):
Restoration of pain-free function of muscles and joints
THR © (Trauma Hyper Relief): Relief, decoupling of trauma from cell memory
Therapeutic boxing
- First German heavyweight in the Top 10 of the World
- German and European champion in kickboxing full contact
- Education in mental training and biohacking
- 1st women's boxing match in Germany in Stuttgart
- Manager boxes for companies
- Self-defense courses and boxing courses
Career history
- Foundation of a non-profit association for violence prevention
- Workshops, lectures and health days for corporations and organizations
- Personal training and life coaching
- Expert for the health department in various working groups in the district to improve health issues for the population
- Organization of major events and television broadcasts
- Supervision of the Don King convoy and the main fighters
- Lecturer
Educational partners in schools: boxing, increasing social skills, training of wills and
Conveying values for conspicuous young people who are prepared to use violence and socially disadvantaged young people
- Lecturer in youth welfare
Lecturer for kindergartens with the Fair Play & Box module I developed for the
Preschoolers for school preparation and health training measures for the
pedagogical specialists in cooperation with mhplus
Health and education of the online magazine and Monday snacks
Audio author in the field of transformation with the Berlin audio book label Die Hörbuchmanufaktur
Studio production
my first affirmation and meditation
Internationally certified specialist training
Chiropractic, Joint Vertebrae
- Spinal Manipulation, Periphal Manipulation - Dr. Aruffo, University of Rome
Fabric structure
- Myofascial & Immediadly Treatments Expert - Dr. Aruffo, University of Rome
- Tissues, Tendons, Nervous System - Emmett Therapies, Ross Emmett
Therapeutic specialist training
Hypnosis, hypnotherapy
- Thermedius
- Hypnosis Institute Phönix - Friedbert Becker, Uruguay after Prof. Dr. Antonio Carreiro
- German Association for Hypnosis
Psychological training
- Education
Practical psychology - Laudius Academy
- NLP-Practitoner - Laudius Academy
Medical training
- Orthomolecular therapist, Establishing the biochemical balance in the body - FormMed Akademie, Dr. Rainer Spichalsky, Spichalsky Academy
Initial and continuing education
- Continuous independent further training
- Mesmerism / healing magnetic order therapy, activation of self-healing powers
- Manual pain therapy
- Orthomolecular Therapist (Micronutrients)
- Mental training and hypnosis techniques (classic and non-verbal)
- Various body therapy methods
- Various psychotherapeutic methods
- Office organization of a law firm
- Head of purchasing / sales of a rehabilitation equipment manufacturer
- Branch manager shoe retail
- District management insurance field service
- Dental assistance - maxillofacial surgery and prosthetics
- Quantum physics
- Parapsychology
- Sensory physiology