Help with severe trauma from neglect, abuse,
Abuse and brutal robbery
At first I was very skeptical because I had been treated a lot for years. But so much has happened here.
I changed completely from the inside out during the treatment. My inside and my outside are in harmony for the very first time, I am a different person. My whole life has changed for the better. I would never have expected any of this.
I no longer feel small and powerless in situations where I used to feel tiny. I don't have to hide anymore. I can approach people again. In the meantime, I can even adjust to an unpleasant counterpart. It's a very good feeling.
I feel my strength for the first time. I can now accept compliments again. I believe in myself again! And that I felt so bad and felt so bad and how much I experienced the condition as normal and not lived, I only noticed where I was starting to be fine.
You can do a lot with your head in therapy, but it is difficult to feel that too. Ms. Venzke used such wonderful, unusual methods to liberate them and to mix their therapy units so that my life is beautiful again.
Thanks for everything, your Ulli
Help with the appointment of a spiritual Wing Chung master
For some time now I have not felt well at all. I had severe stomach problems with gas formation and reflux.
But I put that on the current situation and the associated worries about existence. My life energy went rapidly in the basement, I put that on the depressive moods in which I had been for some time. It had also changed on a mental and spiritual level. It was darker.
As a Wing Chung master, I am familiar with approaches to spirituality via meditation and guided dream journeys.
But what I experienced here was beyond my imagination. This goes way beyond anything I've known.
Something in me literally drew me to this ritual cleansing. When day X arrived and I was in the prepared treatment room, something inside of me would have loved to escape. But I struggled and sat down. Then the magic started. I had the feeling that something inside of me was fighting and my stomach was starting to go crazy. I couldn't stop thrusting.
Something strange started to work inside of me and my body swayed in all directions like at sea strength 8. When I then lay in a trance on the treatment table, I became lighter. I felt heavy energy being drawn from my body through the soles of my feet. My feet tingled and from top to bottom I felt a ray of heat several times. My chest became light and free, and my stomach had long felt good again.
Finally, Ms. Venzke gave me 3 healing cards. The topics were totally appropriate. We dissolved all 3 in a ritual and since then I've been fine again.
Just thank you!
Efschti T.